Bun venit in Orlandia!
In 2014, pe o piata de arta romaneasca contemporana deja conturata, talentul unui pictor care creeaza in unicitatea atmosferei cu dealuri in care si traieste, poate trece neobservat. Este motivul pentru care am decis inceperea unui proiect dedicat acestui fabulos creator, Radu Prişcu, care m-a primit cu modestie si timiditate printre panzele si pensulele sale. Ii multumesc pictorului pentru ca se dedica uleiurilor sale fantastice, portretelor de o expresivitate socanta, in fine, himerelor industrial-onirice asemeni scrierilor lui Boris Vian. In toate aceste pagini ale site-ului il veti cunoaste pe Radu Prişcu, atat cat va lasa el usa deschisa ochiului nostru iscoditor. O calda multumire si lui Stefan. |
Welcome to Orlandia !
In 2014, on an already established contemporary Romanian art market, the talent of a painter who creates in the unique atmosphere of the hilly landscape in which he lives can pass by unobserved. This is the reason I have decided to begin a project dedicated to this fabulous creator, Radu Prişcu, who welcomed me with modesty and timidity among his canvases and brushes. I thank the painter for his dedication to his fantastic oil paintings, his shockingly expressive portraits, his industrial-oneiric chimeras reminiscent of the writings of Boris Vian. In all the pages of this website you will get to know Radu Prişcu, as much as he leaves the door open to our inquisitive eyes. A heartfelt thank you to Stefan as well. |